
浴衣は、大きな、お客様の為に企画いたしました Yukata is big and designed for our customers 3L〜7L!! 駿河路の作務衣屋だけの販売! Only available in the Surugaji Samue! !! |
このゆかたは世界中に販売して実績を上げてます This yukata is sold all over the world and has a good track record |
3Lのオススメ身長170cm〜180cm、腹周りが110cmくらいの方! |
4Lのオススメ身長170cm〜180cm、腹周りが115cmくらいの方! |
5Lのオススメ身長170cm〜180cm、腹周りが120cmくらいの方! |
6Lのオススメ身長180cm〜200cm、腹周りが125cmくらいの方! |
7Lのオススメ身長180cm〜200cm、腹周りが130cmくらいの方! |
This KIMONO YUKATA is suitable for spring and summera Japanese Spring symbol. The recommended size is an aim. |
Specifically, please see a size list of the lower page |
3Lis recommended for those with a height of 5ft7in to 5ft11in, abdomen around 43.3in, and thighs around 27.6in! |
4Lis recommended for those with a height of 5ft7in to 5ft11in, abdomen around 45.3in, and thighs around 29.5in! |
5Lis recommended for those with a height of 5ft9in to 6ft1in, abdomen around 47.2in, and thighs around 31.5in! |
6Lis recommended for those with a height of 6ft to 6ft5in, abdomen around 49.2in, and thighs around 33.5in! |
7Lis recommended for those with a height of 6ft to 6ft7in, abdomen around 51.2in, and thighs around 35.4in! |
【しじら織りとは】 [with the shijira texture] |
木綿織物で外見の美に様々な工夫をしています The cotton fabric is used to make various appearances. |
明治維新当時、徳島県の阿宅村の織女 At the time of the Meiji Restoration, Orihime in Ataka-mura, Tokushima Prefecture "海部ハナ Hana Kaifu"が雨に濡れそぼって縮んだ布に出来た凹凸をヒントに苦心研究の末考案したといいます。 経糸(たていと)の張力差を利用して独自のシボを出すのが特徴です It is said that it was devised after painstaking research, using the unevenness of the cloth that was wetted by the rain and shrunk as a hint. The feature is that it creates a unique grain by utilizing the tension difference of the warp. |
涼しい浴衣の為に作った生地です It is a fabric made for a cool yukata |
大きいサイズ!! 駿河路の作務衣屋の独占販売 |
写真の帯もキングサイズ 最大130cmまでの腹囲も可能 |

【お取扱い】 |
・品質は綿100%で吸収性に優れておりザクットとした独特の感触の作務衣 |
・織り糸も太目な糸を使用しているので、洗濯も手洗いをで風合いもよく、長く着用していただけます |
・お洗濯方法 洗濯機で洗えますが手洗いが作務衣の痛みを防ぐので、なるべくなら手洗い陰干しが良いかと思います。 しわに成らないように軽くたたんで洗濯ネットに入れて洗って下さい。 脱水時間は短めにし、脱水後すぐ干すのがコツ。 干す時は振りさばいて、縫い目や衿の部分をひっぱり形を整えて干します。 乾燥機にはかけないで下さい。乾燥機は縮みます。 多少色落ちの恐れがある為、白いものとの洗濯はしないでください。 |
How to wash and maintain YUKATA |
Hand washing is the best for washing, but home washing with a washing machine is also possible. |
Tumble dryer is prohibited.Cotton fabric shrinks even with good quality when it is put into a dryer, |
It's easy to shade and dry it by hand.agree, and the person from feels it, too |
How to dry is also important for ironing later |
購入時にサイズをご確認ください! アイロンをかけるときは、黒などは当て布などを使用し、約150℃でアイロンをかけてください。 |
Please check the size at the time of purchase! |
Fabric quality Care must be exercised in size, as sufficient care is taken, and excessive force may be applied if the physical size is not met, which may cause breakage. |
When ironing, be sure to use a cloth and clean the iron at about 150 ℃ for dark items such as black. |

It is our children's work clothes that are produced and manufactured
by craftsmen at a sewing factory.
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夏祭りには団扇が Fans at the summer festival!!click![]() |
写楽雪駄はこちら Click here for Sharaku Seta![]() |
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